Monday, December 10, 2012

Lab Exercise 3: Earthquakes and Tsunamis

The image above shows earthquakes that have taken place between 1970-1993. As you can see a majority of the earthquakes that have been recorded are along the tectonic plates lines in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. These plate boundaries play a huge part in how the Earth has been formed. The majority of these earthquakes happen at the fault line or near them. The complexity theory is important because it brings all the data together to see the pattern of hazards. This information helps us understand the pattern of the hazards so that we can better prepare for the future and learn from the previous events. This information will also allow for people to be better prepared because they know that there has been these disasters in their area in the past. This map takes on a technical paradigm approach, because were using this model to better understand the occurrence of earthquakes. To make this map better we could have added more information on population and elevation to give us a better idea of how susceptible these areas were to these hazards. Knowing if the areas hit were a HDC or LDC would give us a good idea on the damage caused by these disasters.

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